Membership Information

Who should join the Society of Insurance Research (SIR)?

SIR is a community dedicated to research-based decision making. Learn from peers that excel at market research (quantitative and qualitative), competitive intelligence, customer experience, strategy, data analytics and product development across all insurance lines. Members have the opportunity to form strategic partnerships with leading solution providers to augment their internal capabilities and create relationships that stand the test of time. Get connected! Join SIR!

Our Members Only area provides access to both SIR’s own research as well as that of others industry data providers, consultants and practioners. Our ‘Ask SIR’ feature allows members to tap into the expertise of other SIR members to get answers to your most pressing insurance research questions.

SIR is the only insurance-focused association for competitive intelligence professionals. Becoming a member enables you to network with peers, attend in-person and virtual events and develop relationships which foster a sense of community. Members gain access to SIR developed education, tools, tip sheets, and primary research.

Visit the research resources for a sample of what you’ll gain access to at SIR, or become a member to join one of SIR’s quarterly CI roundtables.

Innovation doesn't happen in a vacuum--it's a collaborative effort that's often inspired by consumer/business needs and confirmed with research. Sometimes, innovation is stimulated by applying solutions from one industry to another. SIR is a great organization for innovation team members because they get the best of all worlds with research and innovative thinking across all insurance lines: personal, commercial, life and health insurance. Be part of the SIR community!

Check out the 2018 SIR Research Study on ‘Innovation in Insurance Research’ to get an idea of what SIR has to offer.

Strategies are built on a foundation of research including market, competitive, and customer intelligence. Your organizations need to know what your customers want, your strengths and weaknesses and factors in the external environment which create opportunities and threats. Be part of a community dedicated to separating the insights from the noise and elevate your organization's success. Join SIR!
Who is your go-to person at work? Probably your company's research and insights professionals! You need primary, secondary and competitive intelligence to know how your product is performing in the market and when it's time to introduce something new. Join SIR to learn best practices and hear about cutting edge products before your competitors. Learn how to effectively partner with your best friends at work.
As an insurance industry solution provider, you may attend many conferences per year, but at an SIR conference, you can be certain that the insurance professionals you most want to connect with will be in attendance and that you will have the opportunity to have the one-on-one time to engage in meaningful conversations about your product or service.

Beyond SIR in-person events, you will have opportunities to promote your products and services to carriers on the SIR website’s Solution Provider Directory as well as SIR virtual events. You can form even stronger relationships outside of events by getting involved and joining SIR volunteer committees with carriers and other solution providers from across the industry.
Looking to step outside your ‘bubble’ to build relationships in the industry and learn more about the other important insurance topics? SIR membership provides you with access to a broad set of insurance industry professionals from competitive intelligence, to product innovation, to customer experience, to help expand your expertise and gain new perspectives. It’s easier to get involved than other silo-based organizations too! SIR members are open, collaborative, and helpful.



Why should you join SIR?

Because the Society of Insurance Research is:


The Society of Insurance Research and its members welcome individuals, insurance companies, nonprofit or educational organizations, and suppliers associated with the insurance industry to join the Society to network with other members, to make use of its resources, to attend its meetings and events, and to participate in Society governance.

Insurance Focused

  • Everyone you will meet is directly involved in the insurance industry
  • All functional areas represented: primary and secondary research, competitive intelligence, pricing, product development, actuarial, marketing, strategy, finance, and more
  • Beyond ordinary networking, SIR Members form informal groups around shared interests and welcome additional participation.

Covering Key Industry Issues for You and Your Firm

  • All aspects of insurance research and competitive intelligence
  • Strategic and emerging issues, industry trends, new exposures
  • Representative of the Industry
  • Leading Property-Casualty, Commercial, Life, and Health carriers as well as regional and specialty writer carriers are members and conference attendees


  • With Annual Conference attendance at about 200, Research Workshops at about 100, and a limited number of suppliers/exhibitors, networking is informal and easy

Above the Fray

  • Not-for-profit professional association [501(c)(6)], founded 1970
  • Does not lobby or take positions on issues as a Society
  • Does not offer research, services, or data for sale
  • Simply brings together people, resources, and ideas

A Great Bargain

  • Conferences competitively priced against comparable events
  • We take care to control costs for attendees & exhibitors
  • Member discounts for in-person conferences & free access to webinars
  • Corporate Membership dues (for carriers) includes 3 individual memberships & 3 registrations to the Annual Conference or Research Workshops at no additional cost (can be used by anyone in the company)
  • Associate Corporate Membership dues (for suppliers) includes exhibit fees & full registration for 2 at the Annual Conference


  • SIR Members-Only Website provides access to membership and research archives
  • Research Workshops offer skills development and networking
  • Annual Conference allows for member knowledge sharing of key trends in the industry
  • Webinars and SIR Newsletters update members throughout the year
  • The Society of Insurance Research has created a new members-only listserv to foster more open and efficient communication among members, to help them in their research activities.


Liz Taggart
Safety National

“ Being a member with SIR has given me access to so much market intelligence I can really use in my job. The information sharing, tools, access to some great research vendors and the ability to get involved on committees have been invaluable ”

SIR Annual Conference


SIR Member Census 

SIR is excited to launch our first annual member census! The member census will help us understand our members much better. It contains three sections and takes approximately 10 minutes. 

- The first section will populate the member directory with your professional experiences. The second section asks for your personal demographics. Finally, the third section focuses on how you want to engage with SIR.
 The SIR is a community built to serve our collective needs. We need to know more about you and your desires to successfully meet your needs. Many thanks in advance and good luck in the prize drawing!

Take the Census Now!  

Featured Member Companies

The SIR Community

“What I love about the Society of Insurance Research is the opportunity to expand my network and build lasting relationships with peers. Joining the board and leading/serving the Research committee gave me access to some of the latest thought leadership in our industry. It's a great way to bring cultivated insights back to your company.”
Brian Kiley, West Bend Mutual Insurance